Variant of Proposal Chiloe Flag: I found this alternative in the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio, in the section "Reportajes" (Part D). Sergio Arenas, 7 August 2006
Most probable is that this truely the one of the basketball team of that city. At least therefore it appeared to me in the search in Google "Ancud flag" and leaves underneath an image "Bandera de Deportes Ancud" (Flag of Ancud Sports). Sergio Arenas, 3 October 2006
It seems to be based on the flag of Chiloé, with which is shares the basic design: wide-fimbriated wide diagonal. António Martins, 27 September 2006
Ancud is another municipality of Chiloe province. Sadly, the municipal website cannot be reached and give us a clue about this flag which may be Ancud's one — if we believe what's written on it. Olivier Touzeau, 17 August 2006