image by Željko Heimer and Olivier Touzeau, 21 August 2006
I found online what I suppose to be the firemen flag. Olivier Touzeau, 21 August 2006
This external link has a photo of a firefighter beside the flag of the Talcahuano Fire Department. It is possible that each municipal department has its own flag, likely consisting of their respective coat of arms on a banner. Alex Garofolo, 2 February 2016
There are several formal names for the organization of firefighters. In North American English the term is Fire Department; its Spanish equivalent is Cuerpo de Bomberos, which translates literally to Team of Firefighters. This is the term used in Chile.
In British English the term is Fire Brigade, for which the Spanish equivalent is Brigada contra incendios. It means Fire Brigade, but the literal translation is Brigade Against Fires; this term is used in Cuba. Saying brigada de incendio in Spanish would mean that the membership of the brigade is the fire, so that term is not used.
The English word "fire" has two principal translations in Spanish: fuego is used in the context of a flame, or even a cigarette lighter; incendio is the term for a fire that is out of control and consuming a building or forest. Alex Garofolo, 2 February 2016