Image after Petr Exner's Vexilologický Lexikon prapory obcí ČR (2002)
- Okrouhlá, Cheb district, Karlovy Vary region - adopted 14 Mar 2002.
The first written record of Okrouhlá dates as early as 1294. One of
the first owners of the village was Konrad Paulsdorfer (1299). In the 14th
century the village was governed by the middle-class town-dweller Fenkel,
however he had to leave in 1361 because of high debts. The village of Okrouhlá
was bought by the family of Einsedles. During the Hussite wars between
1421 and 1446 it was governed by the families of Junckers and Rudischs.
Along with Okrouhlá they owned the neighbouring village of Uval and two
courts in Jesenice and Trpes. The fortress is first mentioned in the 15th
century. In 1450 it was burned along with the whole village by the military
forces of Jiri from Podebrady. Later on the fortress was restored. In 1560
the local dominion was bought by the family of Kramers from Podebrady.
The village suffered during the 30 year war - e.g. in 1625 two farms were
burned by military forces of Valdstejn. Among other owners let us mention
e.g. the family of Schmiedls from Ostroh and Christof Muck from Vokov who
owned the village since 1799 and founded the local part called New Court.
The last reconstruction of the fortress has been undertaken in 1888
by Karl Haberzettl - architect from Cheb. He transformed the fortress
into a chateau, which preserved its shape till the present time. The village
of Okrouhlá exists as an independent municipality since 1903. The last
owner of the dominion was a German Kurt Oehmichen before the World War
Info from this site.
Jarig Bakker, 22 Apr 2004