Image after Petr Exner's Vexilologický Lexikon prapory obcí ČR (1998)
- Bechyně, Tábor district, South Bohemian region - adopted 4 Jun 1998.
The town of Bechyně is situated in the picturesque countryside over
the river Lužnice. In the past it belonged to the oldest administrative
centres and included a considerable part of South Bohemia with the residence
of the archdeaconry as early as the beginning of the Middle Ages. The Bechyně
owner`s coat of arms reminds you of the old symbol of South Bohemia - cinquefoil
rose, the crest of Petr Vok - the last Rosenberg regent. In 1998 the town
had 6124 inhabitants. (info from this
Jarig Bakker, 1 July 2000