Amt Mitteldithmarschen
county Dithmarschen, state Schleswig-Holstein
flag adopted: 2008
source: municipal coat of arms role Schleswig-Holstein
The amt Mitteldithmarschen was established at 25.05.2008 with the municipalities
(Gemeinde) of former amts Kirchspielslandgemeinde Albersdorf
(incl. Albersdorf, Arkebek, Bunsoh,
Immenstedt, Offenbüttel, Osterrade, Schafstedt,
Schrum, Tensbüttel-Röst, Wennbüttel) and Meldorf-Land
(incl. Bargenstedt, Barlt, Busenwurth, Elpersbüttel,
Epenwöhrden, Gudendorf, Krumstedt, Nindorf,
Nordermeldorf, Odderade, Sarzbüttel, Windbergen,
Wolmersdorf), which were dissolved, and Meldorf
*An "Amt" is a combination of several municipalities into an
administrative community.
Jörg Majewski, 28 Oct 2008