Grasleben, municipality
Samtgemeinde Grasleben
county Helmstedt
inhabitants 2,611
coa adopted: 25th October 1963 according to Rabbow
flags adopted: 25th October 1963 according to the Hannover Archives.
Source: Arnold Rabbow, "Neues Braunschweigisches Wappenbuch",
Braunschweiger Zeitungsverlag, 2003; Federal Archives of Hannover.
*A "Samtgemeinde" (SG*), also called "collective municipality"
is a combination of several municipalities to an administrative community
in Lower Saxony.
Jörg Majewski, 3 Jul 2007
8:3 image by Jörg Majewski, 3 Jul 2007
adopted 25 Oct 1963
Coat of Arms
image by Jörg Majewski, 3 Jul 2007
adopted 25 Oct 1963