Municipality of Marxen (Samtgemeinde* Hanstedt / Harburg county
/ Lower Saxony)
It's ratio is probably 3:5. It's a red over white horizontal bicolour
superimposed by the coat of arms in the centre of the flag.
Description of coat of arms: The shield is divided per pale. On the
right side is a silver (=white) kettle hook in a red field. On the left
side is a broken branch of an
oak tree with two green leaves and two green acorns.
Meaning: The kettlehook marks the existence of a very old settlement
of early tribes of Germans. The branch points out, that the village was
located near a wood and the old name of the village was indeed "Marxen
am Wald" (=Marxen at the wood).
Source: I spotted this flag on 28 March 2007 in Marxen. The information
about the coat of arms was taken from "Samtgemeinde Hanstedt Bürgerinformationen
2007/2008" p.35.
*A "Samtgemeinde" (SG*), also called "collective municipality"
is a combination of several municipalities to an administrative community in Lower Saxony.
Klaus-Michael Schneider, 7 Apr 2007