The Comisión Permanente de Efemérides Patrias (CPEP) is an agency of the government of the Dominican Republic. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure what the proper translation of the name would be, but it's the Permanent Commission that's responsible for identifying and promoting important dates and events in the country's history. CPEP was formed on 25 January 1997 as a result of Decree No. 36-97. The Commission carries out its functions through partnerships with the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Duartiano Institutue, and the Museum of the Dominican Resistance, while the Commission also often collaborates with academic institutions like the Dominican Academy of History and the General Archive of the Nation. According to the Commission's website, "CPEP seeks to ensure that no important date goes unnoticed by citizens." Randy Young, 24 May 2019