Flagdescription: white, charged with a red cross, of which the horizontal
arm is at half flagheight, and the vertical arm at 1/3 flaglength, measured
from the hoist. This cross is charged with a white cross of width = 1/3
of the width of the arm of the cross. In top hoist a red bottle with wide
belly and narrow neck (kraaghalsflesje); in bottom hoist a red maple-leaf.
adopted 28 Feb 1974; design: unknown.
Diever consisted of the settlements Diever, Wapse, Wateren, Wittelte,
Zorgvlied. The village of Diever was the seat of a "dingspel" (village
judiciary). Until 1811 Eemster, Hoogersmilde, Leggeloo and Vledder were
also part of Diever municipality. Vledder became a separate municipality
in 1816.
Since 1946 there is an open-air theatre, where annually plays by Shakespeare
are performed.