Tijnje (Frisian: De Tynje) is a village in Opsterland municipality, Fryslân
province, with (1958) 1343; (1974) 1255; (2000) 1440 inhabitants. The village
was a hamlet under Terwispel until 1900, where it developed by peat-digging.
Several canals ran through the hamlet/village, now replaced by roads, where
it is well positioned between Gorredijk and Akkrum.
Tijnje coat of arms: diagonal of silver and green, charged with three left fesses
countercharged; over all a red fess with four chevrons on top.
Flag: a red hoist of 1/3 flag length, with in the canton a yellow water lily
leaf of 1/3 flag height; the fly diagonally divided of green and white, charged with three crossbars countercharged.
In the village is a monument with the text "In doarp riist út
'e puollen" (a village arises out of the pools). Tijnje was founded
as a
peat-diggers community under Terwipsel, and ultimately became a separate
villager. The motto was the base for the coat of arms, and was ultimately added
to the arms. The countercharged white and green represent the many potholes.
On the narrow pieces of land (green) between the potholes (silver/white)
the peat blocks were laid to dry. The diagonal dividing line represents
the main road through the village. The red crossbar with the four points
represent the village and its brick buildings, arising from the swamps.
The flag is a simplification of the arms; the yellow leaf reminds of
the former watery environment (and of course of the pompebledden
in the Frisian flag.
Design: J.C. Terluin
Source: Genealogysk Jierboekje 1994, 1995.
De Woudklank (local newspaper) 27 Aug 1998.
Encyclopedie van Friesland, 1958.
Jarig Bakker, 16 Sep 2003