Warns (Frisian: Warns, say: Waans) is a village in Nijefurd municipality
in Fryslân province. Its new flag and arms were published in "It
Genealogysk Jierboekje 2004", designed by the Fryske Rie Foar Heraldyk.
No official description available yet.
The flag and Coat of Arms are based on the old village-arms: silver two fesses
noir. They were granted end 2003.
Warns was formerly in Hemelumer Oldeferd, with c. 1000 inhabitants.
In the 18th century renowned for shipping, close to the former Zuiderzee.
In 1345 Count Willem IV of Holland had the temerity to invade Fryslân.
The crucial battle took place at the "Reaklif" near Warns, and Willem
and his knights were beaten comprehensively, the count himself was killed.
On a (surrogate) basaltblock on the Reaklif is still written "1345 leawer
dea as slaef" (1345 rather dead than slave). It was remembered every
26 September till 1500, and was named "Fryske Leaffrouwedei" (Frisian
Blessed Virgin's day). On 26 Sep 1945 the day of
remembrance was reinstated, and celebrated since then every year.
Flag and arms available at this
Jarig Bakker, 5 Jul 2004