Gerkesklooster-Stroobos / Gerkeskleaster-Strobos are actually two villages;
The border between Fryslân and Groningen/Grins went straight through
Stroobos, but in 1993 the border was slightly changed so that Stroobos
now completely belongs to ús Heitelân, Friesland, that is.
As Gerkesklooster and Stroobos form one village they were merged at the
same time, and have now 1162 (Gerkesklooster: 842 and Stroobos: 320) inhabitants.
The green color is here for meadows. The white stripes for the waterways:
to the northwest runs the Stroobosser Trekvaart to Dokkum, and from the
East runs the Prinses Margrietkanaal through the villages turning to the
southwest towards the Frisian lakes and the IJsselmeer. I have no explanation
for the yellow fleur-de-lis in the red triangle. There is a small wharf,
which is symbolized in the anchor on the Coat of Arms.
The silver gaff symbolizes the junction of canals in the village. The
road from Dokkum to Groningen was crossed by the Kornelsdiep and the Oude
Vaart (see also the maps of Chr. Schotanus from 1664 and of B. Schotanus
à Steringa and Halma from 1718). The red top points at the village-houses;
and the golden flaur-de-lis, symbol of the Cisterciensian monastic order,
to the monastery of Jerusalem of Gerkesklooster, founded here in 1240.
The anchor symbolizes water-activities. The bushel of straw refers
to the story about how Stroobos got its name. A schoolmaster discovered
that the name had been first used in 1655, the year that the Hoendiep (in
western Groningen province) was dug. The laborers could not find shelter
when it rained, so they put some sheaves of straw against each other and
this became their shelter against rain. On Mondaymorning, when they resumed
their work they told each other: "let's return to the "strobossen".
Source: Wapens en vlaggen in de gemeente Achtkarspelen, Buitenpost,