Paesens-Moddergat (Frisian: Peazens-Moddergat) were two separate villages,
Paesens in Oost- and Moddergat in West-dongeradeel. Paesens had 1-1-1999
268 inhabitants and Moddergat 241. Until 1883 the main industry was fishing.
On the night from 5-6 March 1883 17 out of 22 ships did not return and
more than 100 fishers drowned.
Flagdescription: Two equally wide horizontal bars in green and red,
central towards the fly a lodged Anthonius-anchor-cross with the T-bar
at one third of the hoist; in hoist-top and -bottom a yellow clover-leaf.
Explanation: St. Anthonius was the patron saint of Paesens; the anchor
reminds of the connection to the sea and the disaster of 1883. The clover
leafs symbolizes the agricultural nature of the village.
Jarig Bakker, 3 November 2000
Paesens-Moddergat Coat of Arms
by Jarig Bakker, 3 May 2004
Description: "In gold a blue fess, charged with a silver fish; the fess
with in chief two green clovers and in base a red standing anchor, of which
the top ends in a T-cross".
Source: "Anoniem, 1994 (Wapens en vlaggen van Dongeradeel)".