Population (1 Jan 2003): 21.573; area: 100,00 km²; settlements: Hoogerheide
(seat), Huijbergen, Ossendrecht, Putte, Woensdrecht.
Per 1 Januari 1997 werden de voormalige gemeenten samengevoegd
tot één gemeente met als naam gemeente Woensdrecht. Bij raadsbesluit
van 25 september 1997 werd besloten het gemeentewapen en gemeentevlag van
de voormalige gemeente Woensdrecht vast te stellen voor de nieuwe gemeente
On 1 Jan 1997 the former municipalities of Huijbergen, Ossendrecht,
Putte and Woensdrecht merged to form the new municipality of Woensdrecht.
On 25 Sep 1997 the new municipal council decided to adopt the municipal
flag and arms of the former municipailty of Woensdrecht.
Flag: a green hoist of 1/3 flaglength; a yellow fly with three narrow
blue horizontal stripes.
Adopted 14 Nov 1963 by municipal decision.
Divided: 1. in red a Blessed Virgin, holding on her right arm a child
Jesus, who holds a globe in his left hand, all silver; 2. divided: a. black
with a golden lion, armed red; b. in red three gold pales; c. in green
three silver lozenges.
The shield covered with a golden crown of three leaves and two pearls.
The abotts croziers should be FULLY-BLUE, due to the arms. The croziers
are probably derived from the monastery of Tongerlo (Westerlo
municipality, Belgium).
I designed this flag in the 1980's
Hans van Heijningen, 15 Feb 2003
Flag: a black hoist charged with a white lily-staff, and a flight with
three equally wide horizontal stripes of red - yellow - blue.
Adopted 23 Jan 1976 by municipal resolution.
Flag: hoistdiagonally divided in yellow (top) and purple (bottom) with
on the diagonal the municipal arms, representing St. Dionysius, clothed
red, with a yellow mantle, with on each side an armed man.
Adopted 11 Sep 1973 by municipal resolution.