The emblems and anthem of the Autonomous Region of Açores were adopted by
the following official texts:
Decreto Regional N°4/79/A,
Aprova os Símbolos heráldicos da Região Autónoma dos Açores
(approves the heraldic symbols of the Azores Autonmous Region),
April 10th 1979 (but the text ends with «assinado em 2 de Abril de 1979»)
published in the Diário Regional on the April 12th 1979.
Decreto Regulamentar Regional n°12/79/A,
Aprova a versão autentica dos símbolos heráldicos e do Hino da Região
Autónoma dos Açores (approves the legitimate version of the heraldic
symbold and anthem of the Azores Autonmous Region), April 10th 1979,
published in the Diário Regional on the April 12th 1979.
Despacho Normativo n°21/79/A,
Determina que a Bandeira dos Açores seja hasteada pela primeira vez
no edificio sede dos diversos departementos do Governo (orders the
fist hoisting of the Azores flag, on the government headquarters),
April 12th 1979,
published in the Diário Regional on the April 12th 1979.
Decreto Regulamentar Regional n°47/80/A,
Aprova a versão oficial do selo da Região Autónoma dos Açores
(approves the official version of the seal of the the Azores Autonmous
Region), October 15th 1980,
published in the Diário Regional on the October 31st 1980.
Decreto Regulamentar Regional n°49/80/A,
Aprova a letra do Hino dos Açores
(approves the lyrics of the Azores anthem), October 21st 1980,
published in the Diário Regional on the October 31st 1980.
Decreto Regulamentar Regional n°51/80/A,
Aprova a versão oficial da descrição completa do brasão de armas
dos Açores (approves the official version of the full description
of the azorean coat of arms), October 24th 1980
published in the Diário Regional on the October 31st 1980.