The climate flag is divided into severn horizontal stripes; from top to bottom: purple, dark blue, light blue, green, yellow, orange and red. "CLIMATE" is written in white letters in the middle of the flag.
The climate flag website shows a graphic of the Esperanto-speaking flag (with "KLIMATO"), of the French-speaking flag (with "CLIMAT") "hoisted" over the Eiffel Tower, and of the English-speaking flag "hoisted" on the Moon. Ivan Sache, 1 December 2009
"The initiative aims to promote the rainbow peace flag, as a unified symbol for the movement to prevent dangerous climate change. The idea is quite simple: to bring together the many diverse groups and individuals working for an international climate agreement behind one common banner. We all need to work together to ensure that the world’s political leaders take the necessary action to prevent dangerous climate change.
"The rainbow flag is a globally-recognised symbol that is open source and rights-free. Its use as the symbol of the peace movement is completely compatible with the aims of those who are campaigning to prevent dangerous climate change.
"Simply download the flag here and spread the message to your friends online, by email or use the design to produce actual flags for use at public events.
"The climate flag initiative is a completely grassroots, non-profit initiative." Ivan Sache, 1 December 2009
The climate flag is expected to be manufactured and used in the UN Climate Change Conference, to be held at Copenhagen, 7-18 December 2009.
The flag seems to already exist in real, as proved by photos shown on the Facebook dedicated site. Ivan Sache, 1 December 2009
[The above graphic is from a] Photo of a demonstration somewhere in Europe (the source was vague) with a Peace-rainbow type flag, here bearing the word "CLIMATE." Eugene Ipavec, 30 June 2010