Images based on the Heraldický Register Slovenskej Republiky III, 2003
- Nové Mesto nad Váhom, district Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Trenčin region -
adopted 8 Jun 1983, based on a 15th century seal.
Nové Mesto nad Váhom is in western Slovakia, 100 km north of Bratislava,
with 20.000 inhabitants.
Jarig Bakker
Nové Mesto nad Váhom Mayor's flag
by Jarig Bakker, 10 Feb 2003
At this
website are two more flags, to wit:
Mayor's flag (standarda primatora) and the Banner of Arms (znakova
Jarig Bakker, 10 Feb 2003
Nové Mesto nad Váhom banner of arms
by Jarig Bakker, 10 Feb 2003
At this
website are two more flags, to wit:
Mayor's flag (standarda primatora) and the Banner of Arms (znakova
Jarig Bakker, 10 Feb 2003
Nové Mesto nad Váhom new Coat of Arms
image from this
webpage, located by Aleš Křížan, 17 Oct 2001
Description of the Coat of Arms:
On a green field silver Virgin Mary with a child in her arms - both
crowned, dexter (to the left) a silver church.
Jarig Bakker, 10 Feb 2003
Nové Mesto nad Váhom Coat of Arms
from . (!Link does not work any more!)