Make it as specific as possible (for instance, I prefer the Smithsonian
definition of tricolour above saying that a tricolour is any flag with three
colours in the field no matter how they are arranged).
Retain any existing traditional and well-known definitions (even if it
does not completely meet the first two strictures).
Keep as close as possible to existing standard definitions in heraldry.
Convention for describing the order of colours on the field of a flag
For vertically displayed colours: from the hoist. (Thus the French
tricoleur would be described as a 'vertical tricolour b-w-r'.
For horizontally displayed colours: from top to bottom. (Thus the Dutch
driekleur would be described as a 'horizontal tricolour r-w-b')
For gyronny displayed colours: from upper hoist corner with the order of
colours and number of repetitions stated.
Convention for flag descriptions
Describe the primary field of the flag in the simplest possible terms
using standard definitions (eg: the basic dominant colour, or bicolour, or
triband, or tricolour, etc).
Add any deviations from the standard field.
Descibe any charges and their positions on the field, also using standard
definitions if available and applicable (eg fleur-de-lis, armillary sphere,
etc, etc).
Describe the division lines if it deviates from the straight horisontal,
vertical or diagonal.
Provide the proportions of the field (if deviating from the norm of 2:3),
the bars and cantons in the description.