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Redondo Beach, California (U.S.)

Los Angeles County

Last modified: 2019-07-05 by rick wyatt
Keywords: redondo beach | california | los angeles county |
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[California flag] image located by Dave Fowler, 16 June 2019

See also:

Description of the flag

From Easy Reader web page reports that a senior at Redondo Union high School, Vanessa Pons, was the winning designer of a new city flag in 1999. The 16-year-old earned $500 for her design, a simple colorful depiction of the pier, the sun and a boat. The flag will be featured at the annual League of California Cities meeting later this month. The design will grace the city's first ever civic flag.  The design is likely that used as a logo at the top of the Redondo Beach home pages.
Dov Gutterman, 31 December 2002

The speculation that the flag uses the city logo: us-careb.html%e2%80%8b appears not to be so.

The following pictures, though not of the best detail, show that it is, in fact, a different design:
Dave Fowler, 16 June 2019

The seal

[City seal] image located by Paul Bassinson, 30 May 2019


The Redondo Beach municipal seal ( ) is in the now familiar circular format, and has a thick rope outer border cable laid in silver and black, with a similar but much thinner border similarly colored. The outer ring is silver, with the words 'CITY OF REDONDO BEACH' blindstamped in block lettering at the top, two small blindstamped dots at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions, and the words 'INCORPORATED APRIL 29,1892' similarly blindstamped at the bottom. The central image depicts a maritime scene, with seabirds flying in a pale blue sky, a white- hulled vessel with three black masts and an unidentifiable black flag at the fore moored to a black jetty at the right and left respectively of the image, and both floating on or projecting into an ultramarine sea.
Ron Lahav, 2 June 2005