Image after Petr Exner's Vexilologický Lexikon prapory obcí ČR (1997)
- Andělská Hora, Bruntál district, Moravosilesian region - adopted 7 May
1997. Its coat of arms is at this
webpage, where we read that the number of inhabitants by 31.12. 2000
was 396. Andělská Hora was founded as a mining town by Jan starší Bruntálský
from Vrbno about 1540. The first written trace dated back to 1550. Gold
was mined there. Later, flax growing was started and weaving started developing.
In 1642 the town was burnt down to the ground. In the first half of the
18th century the gold mining was stopped. Eduard Schön-Englsberg, regional
composer, lived and died there. After World War II, German population was
displaced from Andělská Hora. In the 60s Andělská Hora was integrated with
another village - Světlá Hora. In 1990 Andělská
Hora regained independence. The village is a resort spot now.
Jarig Bakker, 7 Sep 2002