Image after Petr Exner's Vexilologický Lexikon prapori obcí ČR (1991-1994)
- flag adopted 2 Sep 1994
Number of inhabitants by 1.1. 2002: 811. The village was mentioned
as early as in 1305 in a list of tithes for the Episcopate of Wroclav.
Originally, the village was located along banks of the Lučina river. In
the 1950s the Žermanice reservoir was built and much changed. The old centre
of the village, including tens of houses, church, cemetery, school and
farms, were demolished and flooded with water. Now, the village is situated
only on the right-hand bank of the river. Since a number of well equipped
leisure-time facilities and centres were built, the rural village has changed
into a resort spot.
Jarig Bakker, 18 Oct 2002