The flag appears to show the logo of the Hellenic Fire Service centered on a white field, proportioned approximately 2:3. Randy Young, 3 March 2023
The inscription transliterated is "Pyrosbestiko Soma Ella's, which means something like "Greek Firebrigade Corps" or "Greek Firebrigade Corporation." "Soma" literally is "body." Klaus-Michael Schneider, 4 March 2023
The correct name is Hellenic Fire Service.
I am preparing a piece on all these Units and I hope I can send it tomorrow, since it covers all "first-responders," which are coordinated under the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection and its "operational command," the National Coordinating Center for Operations and Crisis Management. Esteban Rivera, 4 March 2023
It could also be "Fire Brigade of Greece" because Elladas means more "of Greece" than "Greek/Hellenic" (which is Elliniki). Jean-Marc Merklin, 4 March 2023