Juegos Deportivos de la Juventud Trasandina or Transandean Youth Games is an interprovincial and international sporting competition in the Andean region of South America. According to the Spanish Wikipedia page, there are 18 delegations that compete: "4 Provinces from Argentina, 4 Departments from Bolivia, 5 Regions from Chile and 5 Departments from Peru." The Chilean Regions are Antofagasta, Arica y Parinacota, Atacama, Coquimbo and Tarapacá.
"El Naveghable", 9 May 2012, reports a flag blunder that happened during the closing ceremony of the JUDEJUT, held in Puno, Peru. The national flag presented to the Chilean athletes was starless (although quite incredible, the blunder is evidenced by a photo). Quite upset, the Chilean delegates stopped the ceremony and pinned a paper star to the flag before joining back the ceremony. In the context of the difficult relations between Chile and Peru, the blunder appeared to the Chileans as a lack of respect for their country. Ivan Sache, 12 May 2012
How would you even get one of these? Its doubtful a commercially available one would have such a mistake so it have to have been a specially made one in which case (baring intent) quality control seen to have been a bit shoddy. Marc Pasquin, 12 May 2012
During the Judejut held in Puno, Peru, the women's basketball team from the Arica y Parinacota Region posed with both the Chilean national flag and another national flag inscribed "ARICA" in black letters in the white stripe. Ivan Sache, 12 May 2012