The cities are not part of the counties, they are independent, but
are counted at the Counties as per public administration.
Settlements, without any marks (29), are traditional towns in
In 2004, Hungary has 251 towns, 22 cities (Like County by Right)
and the capital (főváros). Zoltán Turay, 28 December 2004
Another change has occured on 15 July 2013, when President of the Republic
granted town status for 18 former municipalities. It means they have been
declared as towns from that time.
346 towns have been in Hungary since mid July of 2013. Zoltan Horvath, 18 October 2013
After 8 years, two new settlements were declared as towns in Hungary. On 01
September 2021, the President of Hungary declared Kiskunlacháza, Nyírbogát as
towns. The number of Hungarian towns became 348 as a total by that time. Zoltan Horvath, 03 January 2025