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See also:
Naciones y Banderas [bal99 ]
Naked Vexillologist — A Quest for a Standard in Scolarship (The ) [nel03 ]
Наш сімвал – Пагоня: Шлях праз стагоддзі | Naŝ sịmval — Pagonâ: Ŝlâq praz stagoddzị [tsi93 ]
Наша красная звезда | Naŝa krasnaâ zvezda [qnd73 ]
Naši vojáci v zahraničí [s2r94 ]
Nasionale en Provinsiale Simbole en Embleme van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika / National and Provincial Symbols and Emblems of the Republic of South Africa [z9a89 ]
Nation Animals & Flags [u9s0X ]
National and Armed Forces Symbols [p9t01a ]
National and Provincial Symbols and flora and fauna emblems of the Republic of South Africa [brl93 ]
National colours of the nations united in the ABN [abnXX ]
National Colours of the People of Israel: Tradition, Religion, Philosophy, and Politics Intertwined (The ) [rud99 ]
national flag of Japan (The ) [mtu28 ]
National Flag of Viet Nam: It’s Origin and Legitimacy (The ) [u9sXXa ]
National Flags [bxt34 ]
National Flags [joh35 ]
National Flags and Arms [g9b36 ]
National flags of the world [j9p97a ]
National flags of the world, USA state’s flags [u9s97q ]
National Flags on Dominos [u9s00 ]
National Heraldry of the World [bri73 ]
National Relics. A History of the War Banners of the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence 1848-49 [k2j01 ]
National standards : merchants flags, Hobart Town [mur5X ]
national symbols of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (The ) [l9u01 ]
National Symbols of the Republic of South Africa [brlXX ]
National symbols, national days [h9u03a ]
Nationale symboler i Det Danske Rige. Bind I: Fra fyrstestat til nationalstater [adr03a ]
Nationale symboler i Det Danske Rige. Bind II: Fra undersåtter til nation [adr03b ]
Nationalflaggen der Welt [d9e00a ]
Nationalflaggen der Welt [d9e02 ]
Nationalflaggen der Welt [rya00 ]
Nationalization of the Masses : Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars Through the Third Reich [mse91 ]
Nations and territories of the World and their flags. From AFghanistan to Zimbabwe [g9b94 ]
Nations Without States: A Historical Dictionary of Contemporary National Movements [mnh96 ]
Native American Flags [h2o03 ]
Natjecanje za grb [cim85 ]
Natural symbols: Explorations in cosmology [dgl96 ]
Nauka o vlajkách a její využití ve školní e mimoškolní činnosti [vva88 ]
NAVA Handbook 1986 [nhb86 ]
NAVA Handbook 1989 [nhb89 ]
NAVA News (periodical) [nav ]
NAVA Newsletter (periodical) [nnl ]
NAVA Yearbook (periodical) [nyb ]
Naval Ensign, Distinguishing Flags and Pendants, Design and Proportions [i9n03 ]
Navarra en Guerra : Banderas, Trofeos de Guerra y otros Recuerdos de los Tercios de Requetés y Divisiones de Navarra en la Guerra Civil Española [prdXX ]
Navy list … containing list of ships, establishments and officers of the Fleet (The ) (periodical) [nal ]
Nazi Insignia [fww92 ]
Nazi Regalia [pia71 ]
Nederlands vlaggenboek: Vlaggen van Nederland, provincies en gemeenten [sie62 ]
Neu Vermehrte Heraldica Curiosa [kvf18 ]
Neue Heraldische Mitteilungen / Kleeblatt-Jahrbuch (periodical) [hzk ]
Neues aus dem Brandenburger Land, diesseits und jenseits der Neisse [gue02 ]
Neues Braunschweigisches Wappenbuch [rab03 ]
New Chart of National Emblems [jow63 ]
new Coat of Arms for South Africa (A ) [zaf00 ]
New Constellation (The ) (periodical) [tnc ]
New Constellation (The ) [tnc77 ]
New Dictonary of Heraldry (A ) [fst87 ]
New England Journal of Vexillology (periodical) [nej ]
New Flag for a New Country: The First National Flag; A Play (A ) [bhr75 ]
New Glory A Flag History and Design Project for the American Revolution Bicentennial. Part II: New Designs for Flags [bab75 ]
New Illustrated Guide to Modern Aircraft Markings (The ) [swh92 ]
new Observer’s book of flags (The ) [cra84 ]
New Zealand Ensign (The ) [glu65 ]
New Zealand flag: a guide to the display of New Zealand’s National Flag (The ) [nzf86 ]
News from the Vexillarium (periodical) [nfv ]
Newsletter (periodical) [nle ]
Nieuwe Hollandse scheeps-bouw, waar in vertoond word een volmaakt schip, met alle des zelfs uitterlyke deelen … [ala94 ]
Nieuwe Hollandse scheeps-bouw, waar in vertoond word een volmaakt schip, met alle des zelfs uitterlyke deelen … [ala95 ]
日本 の 家紋大全 単行本 | Nihon no Kamon Taizen [hda04 ]
No lauvas kardoga lidz zili krustotajam. Isi par Somijas karogu [lau92 ]
Nordisk Flaggkontakt (periodical) [nfk ]
Nordisk Flaggskrift (periodical) [nfs ]
Nordiska korsflaggor [and92 ]
Norges Flagg [aso27 ]
Norges gamle vaaben, farver og flag [sgu94 ]
Normas de descripcion y codificacion vexilologica [sya89b ]
Norsk olympisk design: Design og arkitektur til De XVII Olympiske Vinterleker Lillehammer 1994 — Norwegian Olympic design: Design and architecture for The XVII Olympic Winter Games Lillehammer 1994 [e2m95 ]
Norsk soldatbok [n9o23a ]
Norsk soldatbok [n9o28b ]
Norske by- og adelsvåben [trt33a ]
Norske byers vaaben [thh84 ]
Norske flagsange [koh96 ]
Norske kommunevåpen [c2j87 ]
Norske kommunevåpen — suppleringshefte [c2j88 ]
Norske kommunevåpen og -flagg. Arbeidsutgave [mad84 ]
Norske kommunevåpen og -flagg. Systematisk ordnet [mad84a ]
Norske sigiller fra middelalderen: Kongelige og fyrstelige segl [bhk24 ]
Norveška: sto godina nezavisnosti / Norway: independence centennial / Norge: uavhengighet 100 år [zhe05 ]
Nos drapeaux [nou39 ]
Nos drapeaux [nou94 ]
Nos drapeaux et etendards de 1812 a 1815 [hdo02 ]
Nos drapeaux pendent l’Année Terrible 1870-1871 [rca09 ]
Note on the History of the Tunisian Flag [whb57 ]
Notre drapeau [flt03 ]
Notre monde normand [f9r94b ]
Nova Scotia symbols / Symboles de la Nouvelle-Écosse [eve97 ]
Nova Scotia Symbols / Symboles de la Novelle-Écosse [c9a97 ]
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula [lec50 ]
Nuestras Banderas: Vexilología Argentina [pzz00 ]
Nuestras Banderas: Vexilología Argentina [pzz02 ]
Nuestras Banderas: Vexilología Argentina [pzz06 ]
NVA-Kalender 1983 [wlt82 ]
Ny svensk vapenbok [nev92 ]
O Brasão de Coimbra [nun01 ]
O Concelho de Monchique e as suas Armas Municipais [c2c03 ]
O državnoj zastavi Dubrovačke Republike [lue67 ]
O emblema da cidade de Lisboa [frg02 ]
O Mundo das Bandeiras [cra97a ]
O poreklu i autorima nekih zastava iz Karađorđevog doba [kri60 ]
O.U. 5041 Handbook of Signalling [g9b18 ]
Oberösterreichische Gemeindewappen [bmt96 ]
Oberpfälzer Wappenbuch: Öffentliche Wappen der Oberpfalz [opf91 ]
Obsah zpravodaje Vexilologie č. 1 - 20 [fjt76 ]
Observer’s book of flags (The ) [cra79 ]
Observer’s Book of Flags (The ) [cra91 ]
Observer’s Book of Flags (The ) [eva59 ]
Observer’s Book of Flags (The ) [eva63 ]
Observer’s Book of Flags (The ) [eva66 ]
Observer’s Book of Flags (The ) [eva71 ]
Observer’s Book of Flags (The ) [eva75 ]
Observer’s Book of Heraldry (The ) [mck66 ]
Observer’s flags (The ) [cra88 ]
Od Vardara pa do Triglava : upoznajmo svoju domovinu : naši gradovi : spomenici revolucije : turistička mesta : grbovi [ndv85 ]
Oesterreichisch-Ungarische Wappenrolle [stl90 ]
Oesterreichisch-Ungarische Wappenrolle [stl95 ]
Offentlig heraldikk i Norge 1921-1975: Våpen — flagg — segl — symboler. Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, 12. april-4. mai 1975 [trt75 ]
Official Danger, Distress and Storm Signal Codes for Signal Service Sea-Coast Stations and Mariners [u9s83 ]
沖縄「旗めいわく」裁判記 | Okinawa “hatameiwaku” saibanki [shj94 ]
Old Glory, the American flag in contemporary art [rdv94 ]
Old Glory: the Story of Our Flag [bma70 ]
Old Scottish Rregimental Colours [raw85 ]
Oldenburgisches Wappenbuch. Band I: Die Wappen der Landkreise, Städte und Gemeinden des Oldenburger Landes [fur03 ]
Om Danebroge. Et Foredrag i det Skandinaviske Selskab, den 17de Marts 1849 [wjj49 ]
Om Dannebrog jeg ved… [hme95 ]
Om Dannebrog jeg ved… [hme96 ]
Om Dannebrog jeg ved… Dannebrogs historie [flo45 ]
Om det norske Handelsflag: Foredrag i Kristiana Handelsstands Forening i Marts 1879 [aub79a ]
Om flaget [osm93 ]
Om norska flagglagens rättsliga betydelse [ryd99 ]
One Europe — 100 nations [rpd89 ]
One flag, one land, one nation, evermore [u9s94b ]
One Million Mercenaries [o9oXX ]
Orbis Encyclopedia of Flags and Coats of Arms (The ) [mch85 ]
Ordenskarta med Beskrifning öfver å ordenskartan upptagna ordnar jämte af Kongl. Maj:t och Konungen personligen utdelade medaljer [e2l00 ]
Orgánica de las armas de infantería y caballería españolas desde la creación del ejército permanente hasta el día, por el Teniente General Conde de Clonard. [cln51 ]
Organizzazione militare: esercito [l2s88 ]
Origin and Description of the National Flag and National Anthem of the Kingdom of Bhutan (The ) [p2k02 ]
Origin and Evolution of the United States Flag (The ) [b2r26 ]
Origins of Heraldry [pla80 ]
Os Símbolos da Pátria [prb86a ]
Os Símbolos Nacionais [prb86 ]
Osnove heraldike in istovetnostni simboli slovenskih občin [j2s05 ]
Österreich und seine Wappen [gaf68a ]
Österreichische Bürgerkunde. Handbuch der Staats- und Rechtskunde in ihren Beziehungen zum öffentlichen Leben. Erster Band [obk09 ]
Österreichische Wappenkunde. Handbuch der Wappenwissenschaft [gaf92 ]
Österreichische Wappenkunde: Handbuch der Wappenwissenschaften [gaf96 ]
Österreichischer Wappenkalender 1960: Historische Österreichische Städtewappen [gaf60 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (1. Band): Die Städte Oberösterreichs [knl68 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (2. Band): Die Städte des Burgenlandes [dea96 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (3. Band): Die Städte Vorarlbergs [bzp73 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (4. Band): Die Städte Niederösterreichs 1. Teil A-G (mit Pulkau und St. Valentin) [glm88 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (4. Band): Die Städte Niederösterreichs 2. Teil H-P [g3o76 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (4. Band): Die Städte Niederösterreichs 3. Teil R-Z [glm82 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (5. Band): Die Städte Tirols 1. Teil Bundesland Tirol [hye80 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (6. Band): Die Städte der Steiermark 3. Teil J-L [glh90 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (6. Band): Die Städte der Steiermark 4. Teil M-Z [g2r95 ]
Österreichisches Städtebuch (7. Band): Die Stadt Wien [c2o99 ]
Österreichs neues Symbol. Geschichte, Entwicklung und Bedeutung des Kruckenkreuzes [hlg36 ]
Österreichs politische Symbole: Historisch, ästhetisch und ideologiekritisch beleuchtet [l8w94 ]
Östgötsk vapenbok [and98 ]
Ot. prp. nr. 25. (1925) Om utferdigelse av ny lov om Norges flagg [otp25 ]
Other Yankee Ship Sailing Cards [f2e49a ]
Otto Hupp: Meister der Wappenkunst 1859-1949. Ausstellung des Bayerischen Hauptstaatsarchivs, München, 6. Dezember 1984 - 3. Februar 1985 [krn84 ]
Our Christian Symbols [res54 ]
Our flag [oin63 ]
Our Flag [u9s03 ]
Our flag [u9s63a ]
Our Flag [u9s89 ]
Our Flag [wle60 ]
Our Flags. Their Origin, Use and Tradition [ear01 ]
Our grand old flag [u9s97d ]
Our Lady of Guadalupe: The Origins and Sources of a Mexican National Symbol, 1531-1797 [poo95 ]
Our National Flag [sgh91 ]
Our national flag : “the star-spangled banner,” the history of it [hlu87 ]
Our national flag, the stars and stripes: Its history in a century [hlu77 ]
Our Navy and Defenders [clj06 ]
Our Navy and Defenders [clj26 ]
Our Own Devices: National Symbols and Political Conflict in Twentieth-Century Ireland [emo05 ]
Oxford Guide to Heraldry (The ) [w2r01 ]
Oxford Guide to Heraldry (The ) [w2r88 ]
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